Field day reports

March 1st 2009

CMA held a Carbon day at Maitland. About a dozen HFFN members attended.  A stimulating day with top speakers on Carbon Credits and Bio Banking. The day ended with a walk through the nearby Earth Care Park plantation. Some HFFN members adjusted their age and rode mountain bikes around the BMX track instead of afternoon tea, while others did the “Water Watch” thing. A good day and thanks to Graham from the CMA.

November 2008 Field Day

A freezing cold November day on top of a mountain, but a fascinating day none the less. In amongst the planted rainforest it was still and mild. A fantastic effort to push back the Lantana and agricultural weeds and plant a magnificent and diverse rain forest. The day finished off for some by a visit to the local 60m waterfall. Wow. Oh, we also did the AGM thing and re-elected the 2008 committee unopposed.

August Field day 2008 Report

The field day at Kooragang city farm was a fascinating day – with lots of wisdom thrown in

“Wire Grows grass”
“Graze cows to grow good grass”
In the Kooragang wetland, the best trees grow where they are planted with many plants to the square metre.

Planting is at any time of year. Preparation is by allowing everything to grow out of control and then spaying and allowing it to mulch down. Ripping is not needed in the wet soil. A small army of volunteers turn out each third Sunday of the month to do a mornings planting and then have a relaxed lunch.

April Field day 2008 Report

– A very successful field day attended by approximately 20 members

– Inspected a 130 acres of thinned native regrowth and associated soil conservation works

– Young trees of good form allowed to grow out to good logs

– Old remnant trees retained and protected

– Biodiversity retained and promoted

– Abundant native grass growing under partial shade from remaining timber

– Increased grazing potential.

– Soil conservation works prevent erosion and provide stock water

– Creek line fenced off to promote biodiversity

Hunter Farm Forestry Network (HFFN) facilitates the exchange of information about farm forestry and promotes the productive and sustainable use of trees on farms in the Hunter Valley region of New South Wales, Australia.

Farm Forestry takes many forms including timber belts, windbreaks, revegetation projects and timber production

Farm forestry includes  commercial trees and shrubs incorporated into farm operations.

Farm Forestry improves agricultural productivity.

It’s about which tree you want, for the purpose that you want.